MR2, Dr. Robot vs. Rocket.’s

9 04 2010

Imagine this, you are scrolling trough Flickr and you stumble upon a car that looks pretty good. You make a mental note to blog it. Then you scan some more portfolio’s… and think, hey, I’ve seen this car before!

So I present to you! The MR2, shot by Dr. Robot and Rocket.’s. You be the judge.

First up, Dr. Robot:

Scrapyard, originally uploaded by Dr. Robot.

Underpass, originally uploaded by Dr. Robot.

And in the rebound, Rocket.’s:

Mr.Two, originally uploaded by Rockets..

Trubo, originally uploaded by Rockets..

Le Hanger, originally uploaded by Rockets..

Fogs, originally uploaded by Rockets..

Comeback for Dr. Robot?

Rego, originally uploaded by Dr. Robot.

Rob by Rocket.’s

2 04 2010

I’ve shown you pictures of this Supra before, also shot by Rocket.’s. Rocket.’s and Rob went out again and did a new shoot, I didn’t want you to miss this.

A great looking car with just the right processing on the photos. I’m in love… *sigh*.

Rob, originally uploaded by Rockets..

Electronic Arts, originally uploaded by Rockets..

Cinema, originally uploaded by Rockets..

Project Omega, originally uploaded by Rockets..

Show + Go = Project Omega, originally uploaded by Rockets..

Must see | Fatlace

2 04 2010

This clips been around for a few days, but it still needs to be on here. Drifting in it’s finest. Enjoy and support Fatlace!

FatLace from illest on Vimeo.

Drift Session

Still here…

2 04 2010

I feel like I’ve been ignoring this blog lately, but work and my personal life kinda intervened… but I want to make it up to you the reader, so expect a lot of stuff today!

To start it all of, enjoy this short clip of the V-LEd driftmachine.

Dean Kearney V-LED/Intec Racing Press Conference/Car Release from Ross Fairfield on Vimeo.

I was up in seattle to film the intec racing/v-led car at the press conference they were having at evergreen speedway.

aside from a bunch of all nighters, things went pretty smoothly.

Filming,editing,coloring by Ross Fairfield
Camera: Sony HDR-FX7
Editing: Final Cut Pro
Coloring: Magic Bullet Looks

Jumping out the Window(remix)-Forever the Sickest Kids